About us
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Then you can see the config of About us Page:
Then you will see the About Us's result on Frontend:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: scroll to selection
Then you will see the Contact Footer's result on Frontend:
Then you will see the Page about title's result on Frontend:
Our company
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2:To edit the content of page "About Company", please go to admin/page/aboutus
- Step 3: Then you will see the content on the frontend:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: scroll to selection
Then you will see the Page About's result on Frontend:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: scroll to selection
Then you will see the Page About Counter's result on Frontend:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: scroll to selection
Then you will see the Page Meet our Team's result on Frontend:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: scroll to selection
Then you will see the Page Action's result on Frontend:
Contact 1
Contact 1 is one of the number of Pages in We Build Shopify Theme. Check its Demo here :
Step 1: Please go to: https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/pages/
Step 2: Then you can see the config of Contact 1:
Then you can view the result on frontend:
To edit other part of Contact 1, please follow those steps:
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection
Then you will see the Contact 1's result on Frontend:
Contact 2
Contact 2 is one of the number of Pages in We Build Shopify Theme. Check its Demo here :
Step 1: Please go to: https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/pages/
Step 2: Then you can see the config of Contact 1:
Then you can view the result of Contact Page 2 on frontend:
To edit other part of Contact 2, please follow those steps:
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection
Then you will see the Contact 1's result on Frontend:
FAQ is one of the number of Pages in We Build Shopify Theme. Check its Demo here :
Step 1: Please go to: https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/pages/
Step 2: Then you can see the config of Contact 1:
Then you can view the result of FAQ on frontend:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: scroll to selection
Then you will see the Faq Title's result on Frontend:
- Step 1: Please go to
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: scroll to selection
Then you will see the Faq Content's result on Frontend:
Wishlist is one of the number of Pages in We Build Shopify Theme. Check its Demo here :
Step 1: Please go to: https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/pages/
Step 2: Then you can see the config of Wishlist:
Then you can view the result of Wishlist on frontend:
Services is one of the number of Pages in We Build Shopify Theme. Check its Demo here :
Step 1: Please go to: https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin/pages/
Step 2: Then you can see the config of Services:
To edit other parts of Services, please follow those steps:
- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme
- Step 3: Scroll to selection
Then you will see the Services's result on Frontend: